Welcome to Wine Family Law
At the Wine Family Law, LLC we pride ourselves on aggressively advocating for every client. It is important to us to treat each client as an individual and tailor our representation to meet that client's specific needs. We strive to provide our clients with both the effective representation and empathy they need and to specifically respond to the trying legal and personal situations they are facing. We value our clients' time and resources and work hard to achieve the best possible result for each of our clients.

Every divorce brings a different set of facts and legal and practical circumstances. At Wine Family Law, LLC our attorneys have depth of experience in dealing with a myriad of financial and custody circumstances. We understand that divorce impacts all members of a family and we are careful to guide our clients through the challenges they face toward the best and most reasonable outcome while preserving family relationships, whenever possible.
Custody & Visitation
In Georgia, custody and visitation are determined by assessing the best interest of the child. Georgia law breaks custody into two groupings: physical custody, which refers to where the children spend their physical time and with what parent; and legal custody, which refers to communication between the parents and which parent has the authority to make major decisions as they relate to the children.
Child Support
Child support is determined by agreement of the parties or order of the court after being calculated on a Child Support Worksheet. In order to determine the amount of child support that the non-custodial parent will pay to the custodial parent, a number of figures are input into the child support worksheet, while the inputs vary depending on the facts of the custodial situation, the spouses incomes, amount paid by a spouse for the child or children's health insurance, and day-care or after-school care costs, if applicable, are nearly always factored into the child support calculation.
Legitimation & Paternity
Legitimation and Paternity are family law cases that can be pursued by a parent when a child is born to parents who are not married. A paternity action is filed by the mother to a child, while and a legitimation action is filed by the father to a child. Legitimation and paternity actions can be used to seek custody or visitation, to seek the change of a child's name, and to allow a child and his or her father to be capable of inheriting from each other. Legitimation and paternity actions provide fathers with rights and responsibilities with respect to their child. They often also include the issue of financial support of the child, generally through a child support order.
When a party willfully fails to comply with or abide by an Order of the Court, such as a final decree, settlement agreement, or parenting plan, the remedy is a citation of contempt. If a party does not timely pay alimony, or child support, or does not abide by the division of property provisions laid out in a court order, the party in willful non-compliance can be ordered to cooperate or face incarceration and/or payment of the other side's attorney's fees.
Georgia law allows a party to modify an existing custody orders under certain circumstances as well modify as alimony upward or downward if there has been a substantial change in the income or financial status of either party. Once a party proves that there has been a substantial change in income or financial status, the Court will use its discretion in these cases modify future agreements. Our experienced attorneys can guide you in determining whether a modification of custody, alimony, and/or child support is appropriate given your particular situation.

Ashley M. Wine, Esq.
"Some people have jobs, some careers and some answer a calling. It is always a pleasure to encounter the latter. Thank you."
Paul | Legal Services
"Ashley Wine is an attorney well equipped to navigate the often testy waters of domestic litigation. Ms. Wine possesses the proper mix of intellectual "know how", compassionate understanding, and tenacity. These traits prove sure in helping arrive at satisfied closure of my long, unnecessarily contentious legitimation, custody, and child support case. I strongly recommend Ms. Wine if you are in need of a well qualified, domestic relations attorney."
Ike | Domestic Litigation
"Being a young adult, I wasn't sure what to expect and have never dealt with legal issues. Not only was Ashley Wine very knowledgeable, but she made sure I understood everything that was going on and kept me well informed. She was very dedicated to my case. In the end, she met higher than my expectations and the outcome was better than I could have imagined. I would recommend Ashley Wine to anyone who wants a successful case because that is what she will provide. I couldn't speak any higher of Ms. Ashley Wine. She has helped me so much."
Joelle | Family Law